Sunday, April 22, 2007

Earth Day 2007

Here's a small photo spread as to how I celebrated Earth Day 2007.

The photo to the right is the final result of my efforts. But let's take a step back and start more toward the beginning.

As can be seen by the pictures below that a friend took while I was celebrating Earth Day, I'm not afraid of hard work and I enjoy getting my hands dirty.

Planting new shrubs in front of my home gives me a sense of pride about where I live, spruces up the community, and helps the environment. The few dollars that it cost me are well worth this effort, and will provide benefits for years to come. Quite a return on investment, wouldn't you agree?

Here I'm digging a hole in the ground for a new addition to the landscaping in front of my home in Stonegate:

Here you can see me pruning and cleaning up the new additions to my front yard flora:

All of the plants and shrubs that you see in these pictures are new:

the results of my hard work have paid off beautifully, wouldn't you agree?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am watching the Live Earth concert and waiting for the world to change. Getting Bill Schmidt elected Mayor of Peekskill would be a good start .